One of my resolutions for 2011 was to try 52 new recipes -- I think at last count, I was at about I have some work to do in the second half of the year. As Jason and I have worked at that resolution we have tried some new favorites...and some duds. This past weekend, these Wofford girls helped me out with finding some new favorites by hosting a kitchen shower for me in Chapel Hill. We did a little basic math while together and realized that we have now been friends with one another for almost ten years!
Meg, Hadley, me, Meredith, Virginia and Katie
The weather was perfect, the food was delicious and so thoughtfully all of my favorites (including a cheese ball, of course) and the company was the best part. This year is spoiling me on seeing these girls - we'll only go six days between festivities this time as we will reconvene in Charleston this weekend for the wedding of Chris and Anna!
Sidenote: one of the best parts about wedding planning for me has been figuring out host/hostess gifts for parties. This one was my favorite thus far!
Olive oil from Italy (fitting for this crew) and painted measuring spoons
Back to the shower: in addition to some of my dishes and serving ware, I also received recipes for soon-to-be favorite dishes. The most important (and cheesiest) recipe was for the Perfect Marriage:
3 cups of love
4 spoonfuls of hope
2 cups of warmth
2 spoonfuls of tenderness
1 cup of forgiveness (*with instructions to add more as necessary)
1 pint of faith
1 cup of friendship
1 barrel of laughter
Mix together evenly and enjoy!
We had a chuckle over the how cheesy this was...but if you come to visit sometime soon, you will probably find this recipe framed and hanging in my kitchen so that I have a nice reminder (and maybe Jason will take a glance at it every now and then too).
cherish...oh and, mazel tov.
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